Our second week in India brought with it a new set of hospitals and CNMs, and new pairs among our team. Carolyn and Maggie spent the week at Alwal, one of the newer LifeSpring hospitals, while Lauren and Marine went to Moula Ali, the original LifeSpring facility.
At Alwal the team met Rosie, the CNM. Rosie has a reputation for focusing extensively on customers. She takes extra time to talk to everyone when they walk in the door. This became very clear during the observations as customers would seek out Rosie just to chat. Because the hospital is still growing Maggie and Carolyn had a chance to see more clinical procedures this week. Maggie even saw her first c-section (and was very proud of herself for not fainting as she has a tendency to do so).

Lauren and Marine scrubbed in!
At Moula Ali Lauren and Marine met their CNM, Anila. Moula Ali is a much bigger hospital relative to the ones the team visited last week. It was much more crowded, and the hospital layout kept those crowds very concentrated! Lauren and Marine were able to attend quite a few clinical procedures, and scrubbed in for a couple c-sections!
It’s been very interesting to compare our experiences across the different facilities. It was also helpful that we rotated teammates this week so we could make comparisons across both of the hospitals from last week. We continued to record all of the CNM activities, and while there were certainly many similarities, we saw huge variation in the amount of time CNMs devoted to the different activities at different hospitals.
We are looking forward to digging in to this data more, and putting together our final assessment for our client.