SHIP aimed to help patients adhere to treatment and stay healthy by providing practical training in small business entrepreneurship and startup materials to launch household businesses.
IN 2010, SHIP enlisted another team of MIT students to assess the feasibility of building a central lemongrass distillery, analyze other household income-generating activities, and recommend a governance structure for SHIP’s partnerships. Through comparative research, participant surveys, partner interviews, consultation with area experts, and field visits, the student team produced an analysis of the lemongrass distillery’s potential as a revenue stream, reported on the program’s utility for its participants, and advised on a governance structure that would include advisory committees, steering committees, and task forces. A year later, SHIP had used the students’ analysis to prioritize the potential revenue generation programs and to inform more methodical decision-making throughout the organization. According to SHIP leadership, the students’ work “was the single most important information in defining the direction of the program.”
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