Operations and Finances for a Novel Patient Income Program

SHIP aimed to help patients adhere to treatment and stay healthy by providing practical training in small business entrepreneurship and startup materials to launch household businesses. IN 2010, SHIP enlisted another teamĀ of MIT students to assess the feasibility of building a central lemongrass distillery, analyze other household income-generating activities, and recommend a governance structure for […] Read more
Innovating Income Strategies for Long-Term Patients

Through an innovative collaboration, the Sustainable Household Income Project (SHIP) drew on Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard University, among others, to provide support to low-income patients affiliated with the Family Treatment Fund and Immune Suppression Syndrome Clinic in the rural environs of Mbarara, Uganda. SHIP aimed to help patients adhere to treatment and stay healthy by providing practical training in small business entrepreneurship and startup materials to launch household businesses. Read more
Financial Management for Field Research

Uganda Research Initiative (URI) was the primary financial, grants, contracts, and human resources management agent for the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)/Harvard University Mbarara University of Science and Technology Research Collaboration in Uganda. Read more
Feasibility of a Plan for Chronic Patients to Generate Income

Through an innovative collaboration, the Sustainable Household Income Project (SHIP) drew on Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard University, among others, to provide support to low-income patients affiliated with the Family Treatment Fund and Immune Suppression Syndrome Clinic in the rural environs of Mbarara, Uganda. SHIP aimed to help patients adhere to treatment and stay healthy by providing practical training in small business entrepreneurship and startup materials to launch household businesses. Read more
Improving Health Outcomes through Microenterprise

Through an innovative collaboration, the Sustainable Household Income Project (SHIP) drew on Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard University, among others, to provide support to low-income patients affiliated with the Family Treatment Fund and Immune Suppression Syndrome Clinic in the rural environs of Mbarara, Uganda. SHIP aimed to help patients adhere to treatment and stay healthy by providing practical training in small business entrepreneurship and startup materials to launch household businesses. Read more