Strategy & Business Models
Leveraging an Energy Business for Health in Mozambique
VillageReach is a non-profit dedicated to increasing healthcare access and quality for remote, underserved communities. Having seen government-run rural health clinics hampered by a lack of electricity, VillageReach founders formed VidaGas in partnership with two other investors. This for-profit business provided liquid propane gas in northern Mozambique, where few had access to such fuels, and its initial customers included rural clinics in need of a reliable source of energy to keep vaccines cold and illuminate birthing areas in the night. Read more
Potential Profitability of a Townships Micro-Clinic Franchise
Pharmaceutical and medical supply claims were the major focus of one of the biggest divisions of RTT, South Africa’s largest privately owned distribution company (in 2013 it was acquired by Imperial Health and renamed). Unjani was a social project run by RTT's leadership that aimed to contribute to the welfare of its 7000+ employees, their families, along with the broader community, through the creation of sustainable local businesses designed to provide basic, affordable health services near RTT warehouses. Read more
Keys to Bringing a New Diagnostic Tool to Market
To support its planned launch in Kenya, Daktari engaged a student team to explore the company's options for supply chain, service, maintenance, and training that would best enable the novel machine to reach patients in need of testing. Read more
Leveraging Lab Capacity to Serve More Patients and Build Revenue
A leader in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa, the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) helps train medical professionals, deliver clinical care, and conduct research. Read more
Leveraging Data to Grow an HIV Management Business
CareWorks, a South African firm, provided HIV-related services to companies, medical insurers, and other organizations. Read more
A Systematic Approach to Partnerships for the Largest NGO
BRAC, the world’s largest NGO, is a development organization based in Bangladesh dedicated to empowering the poor to bring about change in their own lives through interventions in healthcare, microfinance, education, and legal services. BRAC’s health-related services touched 100 million people in 2012. Read more