Transitioning to Electronic Medical Records in Rural Kenya

ELI-K Chebaiywa Dispensary was a small, mission-based rural health clinic in western Kenya serving underserved communities. Read more
Improving Health Outcomes through Microenterprise

Through an innovative collaboration, the Sustainable Household Income Project (SHIP) drew on Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard University, among others, to provide support to low-income patients affiliated with the Family Treatment Fund and Immune Suppression Syndrome Clinic in the rural environs of Mbarara, Uganda. SHIP aimed to help patients adhere to treatment and stay healthy by providing practical training in small business entrepreneurship and startup materials to launch household businesses. Read more
Leveraging an Energy Business for Health in Mozambique

VillageReach is a non-profit dedicated to increasing healthcare access and quality for remote, underserved communities. Having seen government-run rural health clinics hampered by a lack of electricity, VillageReach founders formed VidaGas in partnership with two other investors. This for-profit business provided liquid propane gas in northern Mozambique, where few had access to such fuels, and its initial customers included rural clinics in need of a reliable source of energy to keep vaccines cold and illuminate birthing areas in the night. Read more
Empowering Hospital Outreach Workers Through mHealth

LifeSpring Hospitals is a chain of maternity facilities providing high-quality affordable health care to low-income women in India. An MIT student team returned to LifeSpring to evaluate its marketing strategy and consider using an mHealth tool in its outreach efforts. Read more
Mapping the Market for Maternal Health Diagnostics in Botswana

In 2012, Daktari requested a second team of students to research potential opportunities in maternal health diagnostics in Botswana. Read more