Discovering Multiple Opportunities to Revamp a Rural Clinic

ELI-K Chebaiywa Dispensary was a small, mission-based rural health clinic in western Kenya serving underserved communities. Read more
Transitioning to Electronic Medical Records in Rural Kenya

ELI-K Chebaiywa Dispensary was a small, mission-based rural health clinic in western Kenya serving underserved communities. Read more
Feasibility of a Plan for Chronic Patients to Generate Income

Through an innovative collaboration, the Sustainable Household Income Project (SHIP) drew on Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard University, among others, to provide support to low-income patients affiliated with the Family Treatment Fund and Immune Suppression Syndrome Clinic in the rural environs of Mbarara, Uganda. SHIP aimed to help patients adhere to treatment and stay healthy by providing practical training in small business entrepreneurship and startup materials to launch household businesses. Read more
Improving Health Outcomes through Microenterprise

Through an innovative collaboration, the Sustainable Household Income Project (SHIP) drew on Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard University, among others, to provide support to low-income patients affiliated with the Family Treatment Fund and Immune Suppression Syndrome Clinic in the rural environs of Mbarara, Uganda. SHIP aimed to help patients adhere to treatment and stay healthy by providing practical training in small business entrepreneurship and startup materials to launch household businesses. Read more
Scaling Up from One Urban Clinic

Non-profit Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO) was founded in the densely-populated informal settlement of Kibera to tackle extreme poverty and gender inequity by providing school girls and the wider community with carefully-designed holistic health services, education, and community outreach. Read more
A Systems Vision for Efficiency in Outpatient Eye Clinics

An established, diversified organization, by 2012 L.V. Prasad Eye Institute had provided comprehensive, equitable, and efficient eye health services to six million patients and operated over 100 locations in Andhra Pradesh and elsewhere in India. Read more
Paths to Sustainability and Impact for a Rural Hospital

Himalayan HealthCare (HHC) provides healthcare, education, and income generation to the remote mountain villages of Nepal. Read more
Combining Soccer and SMS to Improve Health Outcomes

Grassroot Soccer (GRS) was founded 2002 in Zimbabwe by former professional soccer players who saw the devastation of AIDS and sought to use soccer as an HIV prevention tool with programs designed to educate, inspire, and mobilize communities to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS. By 2012 GRS and its partners provided health and prevention education in schools and on soccer fields to roughly 100,000 youth aged 11-25 annually. Read more
Leveraging Lab Capacity to Serve More Patients and Build Revenue

A leader in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa, the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) helps train medical professionals, deliver clinical care, and conduct research. Read more
Tackling bottlenecks across clinics to improve patient experience

In 2013, to stem a growing problem of patients dropping out of medical treatment largely as a result of long waiting times, CIDRZ asked a second student team to contribute insights and suggestions for addressing the inefficiencies of patient flow in treatment centers. Read more
Aligning Marketing, Pricing, and Delivery with Patient Preferences

Carolina for Kibera, or CFK, fights abject poverty and promotes youth leadership and ethnic and gender cooperation in East Africa’s largest slum. In partnership with the US Centers for Disease Control, CFK ran the Tabitha Clinic, a three-story facility in the heart of Kibera. Read more
Selecting Low-Cost Diagnostics for Hundreds of Rural Clinics

Hyderabad-based CARE Rural Health Mission (CRHM), a non-profit organization supported by and housed within the CARE Hospitals system, aimed to provide affordable, accessible primary care in rural areas. Read more
Growth Options for a High-Tech Innovation in Malawi

Baobab Health, a Malawi-based non-governmental organization, aimed to improve health outcomes at HIV clinics that dispensed antiretroviral treatments. Read more